Latest Child Care Biz Help Client Challenges & Results

from a home daycare to a licensed childcare center

Sunshine Station, a non-profit home daycare nestled in the scenic town of Talkeetna, Alaska, found itself at a crossroads. The Executive Director and Board
Treasurer recognized the need for professional guidance to transition their
operations from a home daycare to a licensed group child care center.

To facilitate this transformation, they reached out to Child Care Biz Help,
establishing a six-month Another You consulting agreement aimed at preparing
the organization for growth and expansion.

home daycare to childcare center


Sunshine Station, operating as a home daycare, had minimal processes and
procedures in place, which posed significant challenges.

Financial stability was a major concern, primarily due to tuition pricing not reflective of the current market, leading to an unhealthy reliance on grants and fundraising efforts.

The Board of Directors also encountered its own set of challenges. There was a
discernible need for enhanced accountability, and the distribution of responsibilities among the group members could benefit from further balancing.

This room for improvement in structure and clarity was impacting the board's efficiency and the overall operation of the daycare.


case study home daycare


During our six-month contract, we focused on several key areas that needed
immediate attention:

  • Roles of the Board of Directors
  • Recruitment of new board members
  • Board onboarding process
  • Outdated handbooks
  • Tuition pricing not reflective of the current market
  • Lack of structured enrollment process
  • Absence of a structured new hire process
  • Outdated job descriptions
  • Absence of a website
  • Lack of marketing materials
  • Outdated brand image


To address these challenges, we developed and implemented a
series of solutions:

  • Overhauled the entire process for the Board of Directors
  • Initiated a new onboarding program the Board of Directors
  • Allocated roles and responsibilities between the Board and Executive Director
  • Introduced tuition and fees that accurately reflect market rates
  • Approved new employee and family Handbooks
  • Established an enrollment process/new family onboarding
  • Set up a recruitment process and onboarding for new employees
  • Designed and developed a new website
  • Refreshed the company logo
  • Created all new marketing materials

Project Outline

Below is a sample project management workbook that was used to
manage this six month partnership.

home daycare to licensed childcare center


Brand Clarity

Sunshine Station encountered difficulties with its brand image:

  • There was no distinct expression of their vision and their
    influence in the community
  • Core values were not easily identifiable
  • The logo's design and color scheme appeared outdated


In general, their brand projected the image of a home daycare, rather than that of a forward-thinking early learning center.

To address these issues, we embarked on a journey of brand clarity and rejuvenation. The first step in this process was the development of a clear and compelling vision.

This vision encapsulates the impact Sunshine Station aims to have in the community and the role it seeks to play in shaping the future of its students. The vision serves as a guiding light for the school, directing its actions and decisions towards a common goal.

Next, we defined the core values of Sunshine Station. These values represent the principles and beliefs that underpin the school's operations and interactions. They serve as a moral compass, guiding the behavior and decisions of everyone associated with the school.

By clearly defining these values, we have created a shared understanding of what Sunshine Station stands for and the standards it upholds.

Finally, we undertook a logo refresh to bring the Sunshine Station brand up to date. The new logo is modern and engaging, reflecting the vibrant and dynamic nature of the school. It serves as a visual representation of the school's identity and values, helping to create a strong and recognizable brand image.

Through these efforts, we have helped Sunshine Station establish a clear brand identity that accurately reflects its vision, values, and purpose. This clarity will not only enhance the school's reputation but also foster a stronger connection with the community it serves.

Financial Stability

Financial stability is a critical aspect of any educational institution's success. Sunshine Station has traditionally relied heavily on donations and grants for its financial sustenance. This model is not sustainable.

Through a detailed competitive analysis and budget review, we were able to determine a new tuition and fee structure. We ensured that these increases were not only in line with the current market rates but also consistent with industry standards.



By accurately pricing tuition, we:

  • Reduced dependency on uncertain funds like grants
  • Created a more stable and predictable cash flow stream
  • Allowed room for a more competitive compensation package
  • Prepared the school for expansion


Financial Practices

Budget review was the next step in creating sustainable financial practices. By examining the school's income and expenditure, we were able to identify areas where costs could be reduced and efficiency could be improved. This helped us create a more balanced and sustainable budget.



As part of the new financial strategy, we established clear financial practices with the families. To do this we updated both the parent financial agreement and the new tuition and enrollment process into the family handbook.


Operational Improvements

To expand from a home daycare to a licensed group childcare center, many
operational improvements were identified and enhanced. This came from a
comprehensive review of Sunshine Station's current processes and

Many of these improvements were procedural, leading us to draft new policies and implement strategies that are more formalized and thorough. The importance of having well-defined processes and procedures in place as a school grows cannot be overstated. They are crucial for ensuring accountability, providing clarity, and setting clear expectations for all stakeholders involved.


Parent & employee handbooks: New comprehensive handbooks were created
with all the most current required documentation both families and staff
require. Each handbook is now a comprehensive guide with clear policy and


Enrollment process & tour packet: We defined the new family journey with
intentional touch points to ensure successful onboarding of new families. The
creation of a tour packet ties in the brand by communicating important
information in a professional manner.



Recruitment process & new employee onboarding: This ensures that new employees are effectively integrated into the school's culture and are well-equipped to perform their roles. The process includes everything from the
initial application and interview stages to the final onboarding and training sessions, ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring process.


Marketing & Online Presence

The marketing and online presence of Sunshine Station underwent a comprehensive audit, which scrutinized the current marketing practices and online visibility of the institution. The audit revealed that there was no formal marketing plan in place, nor were there any specific marketing materials that the school utilized.

This presented an opportunity for the Child Care Biz Help team to establish a fresh marketing strategy and create all-new promotional materials.




Job flyers and social media posts: These were designed to attract potential employees and spread
the word about the opportunities available at Sunshine Station. The flyers and posts were crafted with
engaging content and visuals, designed to capture attention and generate interest.


Custom yard signs and flutter flags: Used to promote both enrollment and hiring, serving as eye-catching reminders of the opportunities available at Sunshine Station.



Website: A new user-friendly website was designed and developed providing visitors with all the information they need about the school. The website also serves as a platform for news and updates, keeping the school community and the public informed about the latest happenings at Sunshine Station.


Press release: Written and issued to announce the school's expansion. This served
to generate buzz and excitement about the growth of Sunshine Station. The press release was distributed to various media outlets, ensuring wide coverage and visibility.


Leadership Confidence

Through a series of discussions on industry practices, the establishment of new processes and procedures, and problem-solving dialogues, has significantly bolstered the confidence of leadership in their roles. These discussions have not only provided a platform for knowledge exchange but also fostered a culture of collaborative problem-solving.

The executive director, who was relatively new to the position, greatly benefited from the support provided by the Child Care Biz Help team.

This team offered individualized assistance tailored to the director's needs, thereby equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively lead the organization. This personalized support is designed to be a long-term resource that the executive director can rely on as the school continues on its path of growth and expansion.



Focus on problem solving: The leadership team was engaged in discussions and training sessions aimed at enhancing their problem-solving skills. This has not only equipped them with the tools to tackle immediate issues but also fostered a proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential challenges.


Establishment of new procedures and processes: These procedures and processes have been designed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and ensure consistency in the way tasks are performed. This has contributed to a more
organized and effective work environment.


Coaching and mentoring: These sessions were aimed at enhancing the leadership team's skills, boosting their confidence, and providing them with the guidance they need to effectively lead their teams. The coaching and mentoring sessions were tailored to the individual needs of the team members, ensuring that they receive the support and guidance they need to excel in their roles.


Board of Directors

We completed a comprehensive review of the existing accountability practices, structural organization, and various other processes that are currently in place. This thorough examination was aimed at identifying areas of improvement and potential gaps in the system.

One of the key findings from this review was the necessity for a more structured and detailed onboarding process for new board members. Recognizing this need, the board has taken steps to develop a new onboarding process.

This revamped process includes a clear delineation of roles and responsibilities, ensuring that new members are well-equipped to fulfill their duties and contribute effectively to the board's operations.

In an effort to formalize the Board of Directors' processes, we have taken a systematic approach to design and implement standardized procedures.

  • Board recruitment flyer designed to use as a strategic tool aimed at attracting qualified and dedicated individuals to serve on the board. This flyer provides prospective board members with an overview of the board's mission, its role within the organization, and the expectations for board
  • Updated the bylaws to reflect the current needs and objectives of the board. These updated bylaws provide a clear framework for the board's operations and establish the legal and ethical guidelines for its members.
  • Clarity in roles and responsibilities to help delineated the boundaries between the board and the school. This ensures a clear understanding of each entity's responsibilities and fosters a harmonious working relationship between the two.
  • Developed a strategic plan that includes clear action steps. This plan serves as a roadmap for the board, guiding its actions and decisions towards achieving its goals and objectives. The strategic plan is a dynamic document that will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant
    and effective.



The transformation of Sunshine Station from a home daycare to a licensed childcare center is a testament to the power of strategic planning, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence. With the expert guidance of Child Care Biz Help, Sunshine Station has not only addressed its immediate challenges but has also laid a robust foundation for future growth and success.


The journey highlighted the importance of brand clarity, financial stability, operational efficiency, and strong leadership. By focusing on these key areas, Sunshine Station has positioned itself as a beacon of quality childcare in Talkeetna, ready to serve its community with even greater dedication.


Moreover, the case study underscores the significance of continuous learning, adaptability, and the willingness to embrace change. For childcare centers everywhere, the Sunshine Station story serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that with the right support and a clear vision, any challenge can be turned into an opportunity for growth and innovation.


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Contact Us Today!

If you're a home daycare or childcare center looking to expand, innovate, or simply improve your operations, Child Care Biz Help is here to guide you every step of the way. Let us help you transform your vision into reality, just as we did for Sunshine Station. Reach out to us today and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more successful future for your childcare center.


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